Testautomate IT

About Testautomation And Such...

Is Automation that supports testing (AiT) the holy grail?

A while back I watched a presentation by Richard Bradshaw on YouTube that he gave at SeleniumConf in 2019. You can view the presentation for yourself here. The title of his presentation was ‘Red...

Testautomation after COVID

Testautomation in a new reality

Introduction The global pandemic has drastically changed the work environment for many of us. Before Corona emerged in Europe, most of us could be found in the office with the project team for at l...

Every traditional tester has it to become a technical tester

Introduction In the past year I have written a number of articles in which I have indicated that traditional testers must become more technical in order to be asked for assignments in the future a...

Software Engineer in Test

A new role description for progressive testautomation engineers

My previous article in TestNetNieuws entitled ‘Good testers are not good testautomation engineers. So what?’ has, for me somewhat surprisingly, received a lot of reads, likes and comments. I probab...

Software developers implements testautomation

A threat or an opportunity?

I published two articles here last year. After my first article, where I argueed for the tester with sufficient technical knowledge, I devoted a second article to the role I recently performed for ...

"Van samenwerken naar synergie" presentation (Dutch), TestNet Voorjaarsevent 2016

11 Mai 2016

This presentation was given with Pepijn de Vorst. Van samenwerken naar synergie John Kronenberg (Bartosz ICT) / Pepijn van de Vorst (Ordina) 11 mei 2016, TestNet Voorjaarsevent, Nieuwegein. http...

Good testers are not good testautomation engineers

So what?

Over the past decade, the role of the tester has changed drastically, dramatically for many. In addition to testing skills, today’s tester must also be very technically savvy. Today’s tester must a...

"Good testers" presentation, Nederlandse Testdag 2019

20 November 2019

https://testdag2019.github.io/pdf/john_kronenberg.pdf This presentation was given at the Dutch TestingDay 2019 and it was based on two articles about Testers vs Software Developers In Test, this a...