
About Testautomation And Such...

I am John Kronenberg, since 1997 working in the Testautomation field. I worked for some (at least for people living in the Netherlands) well-known consultancy companies (CMG, Bartosz ICT) and I am currently working for CloseSure.

I have worked with a lot of traditional testautomation tools but currently I am mostly working with open source tools, such as Cucumber, jMeter and Robot Framework.

In my career I have presented on the (Dutch) Testautomation Days, Nederlandse Testdag and TestNet Voorjaarsevent and TestNet Najaarsevent.

I am part of the editorial team of the Dutch Association of Testers, TestNet. One of my roles in this team is to publish an article quarterly. For some years now I write these articles about Testautomation. Because these articles are written in Dutch, my first aim with this blog is to make these articles available in English. Main reason is because I think these articles are also interesting for non-Dutch speaking testers, test engineers or other in testautomation interested people.

Let’s explore with you, readers of this blog, what this blog can be and can become…

You can contact me via email at [email protected]. Take also a look here: https://linktr.ee/testautomate_it.